Being an upcoming artist is not a joke, one of the most tedious jobs I have come across, so much uncertainties, most times you don’t even know if your moves are actually taking you to the light or total mediocrity.
As an upcoming artist, you must have experienced that disappointing scenario were you get so streams that doesn’t compliment the effort you put in promoting your project.
Sometimes, you put in so much hardwork in creating a monster track, you are so excited, super hyped. You’re excited to share it but when you put it out, the energy doesn’t tell on the number of downloads, streams and plays.
Well, there are so many reasons as regards this and one of them we would be treating today.
It’s understandable that you want to include all the links to streaming platforms where your music is available when you write an email or social post. However, that is not the best way to promote your new music.
Some upcoming artists even go as far as sharing all their links to streaming platforms as comment on people’s post.
While you may think you’re being helpful gathering all those links to your music on platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, and YouTube, it actually damaging the effort you put in promoting your beautiful song.
Having multiple links in a single email or social post can:
- affect your email “deliverability,” which can cause your open rates to crash.
- Destroy the organic reach of your social posts. (Organic reach is the amount of people your content reaches on any social media platform, without paying for ads).
- Tarnish your online reputation. You don’t want someone’s first impression of your online presence to be, “What rubbish is this?.”
- By creating a smart-link!
A smart-link is a one-page site that gathers all your important links in one place, so you only need to post that one link when you talk about your new music online.
Your smart-link will function as a hub for all the relevant platforms and pages related to your music, including:
Streaming platforms
Social profiles
Your website and artist profiles on Bandcamp, Bandsintown, etc.
Donation sites like PayPal, Venmo, Patreon, etc.
And even a link to buy physical product if you’re selling CDs or vinyl through Amazon.
I hope this article helps every upcoming artist out there.
Source: Afroknob, CdBaby
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